Ride and Stride!
10:00 AM10:00

Ride and Stride!

Ride + Stride is the single largest source of income for many Historic Churches Trusts enabling them to make grants to places of Christian worship. Taking place on the 2nd Saturday of September the funds raised are divided between the Friends of Kent churches and Holy Trinity Broadstairs. Church open throughout the day!

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Sundays@Six! Spiritual Care in the Modern NHS.
6:00 PM18:00

Sundays@Six! Spiritual Care in the Modern NHS.

It is a legal requirement that NHS Trusts provide for the spiritual wellbeing of their patients and service users. Fr Dominic, with fourteen years experience at the coal face of the NHS, gives a frank and moving account of daily life in the hospital setting, together with an analysis of many of the pressures facing the NHS today.

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Saturday Market
10:00 AM10:00

Saturday Market

Come along to our Saturday Market where there is something for everyone! Books, China, Bric a Brac, Linens, Crafts, Bake Stall, Raffle, Plants. Refreshments and light lunches served throughout the day. Independent stall holders welcome by prior arrangement. A great local indoor market!

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St Francis-tide Blessing of Animals & Pet Service
3:00 PM15:00

St Francis-tide Blessing of Animals & Pet Service

All domestic animals and pets are invited to bring along their well-behaved owners for a short special service of Blessing! All animals must be kept on a leash or in a secure carrycase. Certificates of Blessing will be available if desired. At all times owners will be responsible for their pets. Children are especially welcome and refreshments will be served.

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The Rector's Ball 2024!
6:30 PM18:30

The Rector's Ball 2024!

Cocktails, Three course Dinner, wine, Entertainment, and Dancing in the prestigious surroundings of the Broadstairs Pavilion! Dine before the exquisite background of Viking Bay; dance ‘till late to the fantastic sounds of “In With Flynn” (think Sinatra, Dean Martin et al!); Grand Raffle, Bar and Carriages at Midnight! Advance booking (essential). Fully inclusive tickets available @ £55 from 1st September!

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All Saints Day
12:00 PM12:00

All Saints Day

We celebrate the Feast of All Saints on Friday 1st November with the Angelus and Eucharist at Noon. Coffee will be available from 10.00 a.m. and will precede the service. Do please join us on this happy day! All are most welcome!

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Sundays@Six! - 'Mary's Meals'
6:00 PM18:00

Sundays@Six! - 'Mary's Meals'

Roy Peachey gives an illustrated talk about the ‘Mary’s Meals’ Global Charity, which feeds over 2.4 million children from poor backgrounds, across 17 different countries in their places of education. Do come along to hear both the history and the present day story of this remarkable charity.

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Saturday Market
10:00 AM10:00

Saturday Market

Come along to our Saturday Market, where there is something for everyone! Books, China, Bric a Brac, Linens, Bake Stall, Raffle, Crafts, Plants. Refreshments and light lunches served throughout the day. Independent stall holders welcome by prior arrangement. A great local indoor market!

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August Saturday Market
10:00 AM10:00

August Saturday Market

Come along to our Saturday Market where there is something for everyone! Books, China, Bric a Brac, Linens, Crafts, Bake Stall, Raffle, Plants. Refreshments and light lunches served throughout the day. Independent stall holders welcome by prior arrangement. A great local indoor market. Come on down!

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An Evening with Amber Butchart
7:00 PM19:00

An Evening with Amber Butchart

Join design historian, author and television presenter (A Stitch in Time, The Great British Sewing Bee) Amber Butchart as she takes us to the beach with an illustrated talk on ‘The Art of Seaside Fashion.’  The evening will include a prize raffle, a bar with refreshments and a book-signing featuring Amber's books.  Don't miss this fun and fashionable evening with the always-glamorous Amber!

Tickets £10 (plus fee) via https://amberbutchart.eventbrite.co.uk/ or via the Parish Office: 01843-862921. All proceeds to church funds - Doors and Licensed Bar open 6pm

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6:00 PM18:00


‘Finding Eanswythe: the Life and Afterlife of an Anglo-Saxon Saint’. An illustrated talk by Priest and Archaeologist, Dr Lesley Hardy, on the relics of The Abbess and Patron Saint of Folkestone, St Eanswythe. Come along to hear how a 600 year old mystery was finally solved! All welcome.

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Summer Market
10:00 AM10:00

Summer Market

Come along to our great Summer Market, where there is something for everyone! Arts and Crafts, Books, China, Bric a Brac, Linens, Bake Stall, Raffle, Plants. Refreshments and light lunches served throughout the day. Many independent stall holders and new ones welcome by prior arrangement. A great local market. Come on down!

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Fr Derek Duncanson
12:00 PM12:00

Fr Derek Duncanson

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of The Reverend Derek Duncanson. As an Associate Priest, Fr Derek served this congregation faithfully over many years and we express our profound condolences to his loved ones in their loss. Fr Derek’s Funeral Requiem will take place at Holy Trinity at Noon on Wednesday 5th June. May he rest in peace.

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6:00 PM18:00


Do join us for the third talk in our series ‘ Sundays@Six!’. Tonight Dennis Nothdruft gives an illustrated talk on “Symbolism in Christian Art”. A glass of wine is available from 6pm, leading into our speaker’s contribution. The evening ends by 7.30 p.m.

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The Good Gnus
7:00 PM19:00

The Good Gnus

We are delighted to host ‘The Good Gnus’, with the celebrated former Director of Music of Canterbury Cathedral, David Flood! ‘The Gnus’ bring their delectable fayre of humorous songs from Flanders & Swann, Noel Coward, Stilgoe & Skellern to our evening together - with the further promise of a satirical take on the current state of affairs! Advance tickets (£1.55 booking fee) via Eventbrite
https://thegoodgnus.eventbrite.co.uk , Via the Parish Office Tel: 01843-862921 or £10 at the door.

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Easter Day
10:00 AM10:00

Easter Day

Do join us for our Traditional Festal Sung Eucharist of the Resurrection with Blessing of the Easter Garden, to celebrate that “Christ is Risen from the grave. Alleluia!”.

All are welcome and refreshments follow.

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The Easter Vigil
7:00 PM19:00

The Easter Vigil

Join us for the Easter Vigil with lighting of the New Fire, the Paschal Candle and traditional ceremonies culminating in a glorious celebration of Christ’s Resurrection! Seasonal refreshments are served after the service. All are welcome.

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Mother's Tea!
3:00 PM15:00

Mother's Tea!

Celebrate this special weekend by bringing Mother, Grandmother or Great-Grandmother to Afternoon Tea! Tickets MUST be purchased in advance from the Parish Office (01843) 862921 and are strictly limited @ £10 per head. Raffle and light entertainment make this a Treat not to be missed!

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6:00 PM18:00


Do join us for the second in our new series ‘ Sundays@Six!’. Tonight Fr Malcolm Bradshaw leads us on an interesting journey around the Chaplaincies of Europe. A glass of wine is available from 6pm, leading into our speaker’s contribution. The evening ends by 7.30 p.m.

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'SUNDAY AT SIX!' - An Introduction to Icons' with Peter Murphy
6:00 PM18:00

'SUNDAY AT SIX!' - An Introduction to Icons' with Peter Murphy

Renowned Iconographer, Peter Murphy, offers a short introduction to the history and theology of icons and their role in the Church, on this, the first in a new series of Sunday evening events! A glass of wine is available from 6pm, followed by a talk and concluding with questions and answers.

All are most welcome to this special event!

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