10am SUNG Eucharist

This is our main weekly sung Eucharist service with choir and full serving team. Incense is used and on Feast Days there is usually a procession. The service lasts one hour and is followed by refreshments in the South Ambulatory; this sometimes includes sherry and cake on special occasions, as when celebrating a Baptism or when someone has a birthday. All are welcome.

The ministry of the Laying on of Hands is offered in the Lady Chapel on the first Sunday of the month by request. The sacrament of anointing is also available, again by prior request. 

Our Junior Church begins at 10am in the Parish Hall and joins the main congregation at the Offertory. Visiting children and their parents are always most welcome. Please speak to a sidesperson who will direct you.


Morning and Evening Prayer are said privately daily. There is a said Mass with Angelus on Wednesdays and Fridays at Noon. On Festivals and Major Saints Days there is a Sung Eucharist at 7pm.

 Festivals and Saints Days as advertised


Please note that the style and content of all our services are subject to change to accommodate local circumstances and special arrangements. Please check the Parish Diary for details.