LENT - A Season of Renewal!
Join us each Wednesday in Lent as we gather for the Eucharist at Noon (coffee served beforehand from 10.00 a.m.) . Do come along and make this part of your Lenten discipline.
Join us each Wednesday in Lent as we gather for the Eucharist at Noon (coffee served beforehand from 10.00 a.m.) . Do come along and make this part of your Lenten discipline.
Why not join us every Friday in Lent at Noon for ‘Stations of the Cross’ - a series of short reflective meditations on the Passion of the Lord. All are welcome.
The Saturday Market has something for everyone! Books, China, Bric a Brac, Linens, Crafts, Bake Stall, Raffle, Plants. Refreshments and light lunches served throughout the day. Independent stall holders welcome by prior arrangement. A great local indoor market!
To mark the beginning of Holy Week, join us for our Procession and Sung Eucharist with ‘palms and banners strewn’ as we enter into the sequence of events marking the last week of Jesus’ life.
We commemorate the last night of Jesus’ life, when he washed the disciples feet and gave the Eucharist or ‘Last Supper’ to his disciples. The Sung Eucharist leads into a ‘Watch of the Passion’ until 9.00 p.m.
Good Friday devotional Stations of the Cross, as we reflect together on the Passion of Christ.
We mark in words and music the day when Jesus died. The Solemn Liturgy of the Day with Veneration of the Cross will take place at 2 p.m.
Join us for the Easter Vigil with lighting of the New Fire, the Paschal Candle and traditional ceremonies culminating in a glorious celebration of Christ’s Resurrection! Seasonal refreshments are served after the service. All are welcome.
Do join us for our Traditional Festal Sung Eucharist of the Resurrection of Our Lord with Blessing of the Easter Garden, to celebrate that “Christ is Risen from the grave. Alleluia!”.
All are welcome and refreshments follow.
Do join us for our Sung Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes, to mark the beginning of Lent.
Said Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes. All are welcome to this short service to mark the beginning of Lent.
Why not come along to our monthly Saturday Market where you can find, Groceries, Books, Preserves, Freshly Baked cakes, "precious things", Raffle, Refreshments. Lunch available from 11.30 a.m. It's a great place to spend a Saturday and to meet new friends!
Join us for a chilli supper with dessert, entertainment, prize raffle and an altogether frivolous evening! Bring your own drinks, advance tickets only from the Parish Office @ £12
As the Christmas & Epiphany season draws to a close, do come along to our Candlemas Sung Eucharist at 10.00 a.m. All are most welcome!
Come and join us as we celebrate the Visitation of the Wise Men to the Infant Jesus. Our special Sung Eucharist with Choir lasts around 1 hour and all are most welcome. Come and re-charge your spiritual energy!
Do join us for our special Christmas Day Eucharist to celebrate the Birth of the Christ Child. ‘O Come, Let us Adore Him!’.
All are welcome to celebrate the First Mass of Christmas with the Blessing of the Christmas Crib and seasonal carols for all. Tickets are not required for this service.
Join us for our Family Christingle Service, with seasonal carols, a candlelit procession for the children and a simple re-telling of the Christmas story. PLEASE note the date and time of this service.
Do come along to our Christmas Carol Service at 6 p.m. with seasonal carols for all together with special choral items for Christmas prepared by our Choir.
This evening, Geoffrey Norris, a leading scholar, musicologist and music critic, will speak on the content and publication of his new book, ‘Sergei Rachmaninoff In His Own Words’. Do join us for what promises to be a fascinating talk with Q&A to follow. Refreshments available.
Don’t miss this stunning Christmas Concert by the renowned Thanet Chamber Choir, under the Direction of their Conductor and Director of Music, Greg Tassell. The concert features all your favourite classics, including things both old and new. Be there!
Thanet Male Voice Choir, offer their annual Christmas concert of seasonal music and readings. Further details to be confirmed. Save the date!
Save the date for our traditional Christmas Market! Stalls galore - crafts, teas, lunches, linens, plants, fresh bakes, Christmas gifts, Grand Draw and all the fun of the fair! Don’t miss it!
All are welcome to this beautiful service of readings and music. Amidst falling leaves and fading light we kindle candles to illuminate the darkness, as we prepare once again for the season of Christmas and the coming of the One who brings light, grace and truth for all!
Roy Peachey gives an illustrated talk about the ‘Mary’s Meals’ Global Charity, which feeds over 2.4 million children from poor backgrounds, across 17 different countries in their places of education. Do come along to hear both the history and the present day story of this remarkable charity.
The season of Remembrance is a poignant time when we remember not simply the worst moments in our corporate history but when we also look forward to the promise of the future. On Sunday 13th November, please join us for our Sung Eucharist of Remembrance at 10.00 a.m.
We commemorate our departed loved ones, relations, friends and benefactors in a Eucharist, where each is remembered by name and commended for ever to God’s eternal and unfailing love.
We celebrate the Feast of All Saints on Friday 1st November with the Angelus and Eucharist at Noon. Coffee will be available from 10.00 a.m. and will precede the service. Do please join us on this happy day! All are most welcome!
Come along to a very special free illustrated talk in our ‘Sundays@Six’ series, by Canon Carl Fredrick Arvidsson on the life of British horticulturalist, garden designer, craftswoman, photographer and artist, Gertrude Jekyll. This promises to be an evening not to miss!
All domestic animals and pets are invited to bring along their well-behaved owners for a short special service of Blessing! All animals must be kept on a leash or in a secure carrycase. Certificates of Blessing will be available if desired. At all times owners will be responsible for their pets. Children are especially welcome and refreshments will be served.
Join us for our traditional Harvest Festival Eucharist, as we thank God for all that sustains and enriches our life and pray for a fairer sharing of resources in our world.
Come along to this very special evening, with a fish and chip Supper, Prize Raffle and a game or two of Bingo ! Bring your own drinks! Advanced booking essential. Tickets cost £15 from the Parish Office.
It is a legal requirement that NHS Trusts provide for the spiritual wellbeing of their patients and service users. Fr Dominic, with fourteen years experience at the coal face of the NHS, gives a frank and moving account of daily life in the hospital setting, together with an analysis of many of the pressures facing the NHS today.
Ride + Stride is the single largest source of income for many Historic Churches Trusts enabling them to make grants to places of Christian worship. Taking place on the 2nd Saturday of September the funds raised are divided between the Friends of Kent churches and Holy Trinity Broadstairs. Church open throughout the day!
Come along to our Saturday Market, where there is something for everyone! Books, China, Bric a Brac, Linens, Bake Stall, Raffle, Crafts, Plants. Refreshments and light lunches served throughout the day. Independent stall holders welcome by prior arrangement. A great local indoor market!
Come along to our Saturday Market where there is something for everyone! Books, China, Bric a Brac, Linens, Crafts, Bake Stall, Raffle, Plants. Refreshments and light lunches served throughout the day. Independent stall holders welcome by prior arrangement. A great local indoor market. Come on down!
Join design historian, author and television presenter (A Stitch in Time, The Great British Sewing Bee) Amber Butchart as she takes us to the beach with an illustrated talk on ‘The Art of Seaside Fashion.’ The evening will include a prize raffle, a bar with refreshments and a book-signing featuring Amber's books. Don't miss this fun and fashionable evening with the always-glamorous Amber!
Tickets £10 (plus fee) via https://amberbutchart.eventbrite.co.uk/ or via the Parish Office: 01843-862921. All proceeds to church funds - Doors and Licensed Bar open 6pm
‘Finding Eanswythe: the Life and Afterlife of an Anglo-Saxon Saint’. An illustrated talk by Priest and Archaeologist, Dr Lesley Hardy, on the relics of The Abbess and Patron Saint of Folkestone, St Eanswythe. Come along to hear how a 600 year old mystery was finally solved! All welcome.
Come along to our great Summer Market, where there is something for everyone! Arts and Crafts, Books, China, Bric a Brac, Linens, Bake Stall, Raffle, Plants. Refreshments and light lunches served throughout the day. Many independent stall holders and new ones welcome by prior arrangement. A great local market. Come on down!