Music is hugely important at Holy Trinity. The choir sings at the 10.00am Sung Eucharist on Sundays and at other major services such as Christmas, Holy Week, Ascension Day and Corpus Christi. The repertoire extends from “Tonus Peregrinus” and plainchant through to contemporary composers, including a wide selection of anthems, psalms, settings of the Mass and hymns. We host an annual Songs of Praise during the Broadstairs Dickens Week when the choir is joined by other local choirs. Occasionally works such as Stainer`s “Crucifixion” and Haydn`s “Little Organ Mass” have been performed. Choir Practices are held at 6.30pm on Fridays and at 9.30am on Sundays, when we practise sight reading, theory and stylistic analysis as well as singing with accuracy and confidence. We are always looking to welcome new members to the choir - so if you enjoy singing, why not come along and join us! If you would like further information please call the Parish Office or use the online Contact Form.


The organ was installed in 1916 by William Hill and Son using pipes from the previous 1883 organ by August Gern who had been a foreman in the French firm – Cavaille-Coll. Hill provided a two manual and pedal organ with the third manual prepared for but having no pipes. In 1930 the pipes for the third manual were installed by Notermen. The instrument is now in the care of F.H.Browne and Son. The organ still has the original tubular pneumatic action, and about 1735 pipes which sound well in the acoustics of Holy Trinity. The full specification is listed below.


                         1916 ORGAN BY WILLIAM HILL

* = added in 1930 (designed by Rev. Noel Bonavia-Hunt);  +  = added in 1932 by Hill, Norman and Beard.

PEDAL:   [CCC to F, 30 notes]
1)   Open Diapason     16
2)   Violone                 16
3)   Bourdon                16*
4)   Octave                    8
5)   Flute                       8   *
6)   Quint                      32 effect*
7)   Trombone               16+

[Swell to Great; Swell to Choir* ; Great to Pedal;  Swell to Pedal;  Choir to Pedal* ]

Manuals   [CC to C, 61 notes]

8)   Double Diapason     16
9)   Open Diapason 1     8
10)  Open Diapason 2    8
11)  Hohl Flute               8
12)  Principal                  4
13)  Harmonic Flute       4
14)  Fifteenth                  2
15)  Trumpet                   8

16)  Open Diapason        8
17)  Echo Gamba            8
18)  Voix Celestes           8
19)  Stopped Diapason    8
20)  Principal                   4
21)  Fifteenth                   2
22)  Mixture                     3 ranks including tierce
23)  Contra Fagotto        16   *
24)  Horn                         8
25)  Oboe                         8
[Swell Octave; Swell Sub-Octave; Swell Unison Off]

CHOIR: (enclosed)
26)  Dulciana                    8   *  
27)  Cor de Nuit                8   *
28)  Violoncello                8   *
29)  Flauto Traverso         4   *
30)  Clarionet                    8   *
31)  Orchestral Oboe         8   *
[Choir Octave; Choir Sub-Octave; Choir Unison Off; Choir Tremulant   *]

3 combination pistons to Great and Pedal
3           “              “      to Swell
3           “           pedals to Great and Pedal
3combinationpedals to Swell
1double- acting pedal for Great to Pedal (on and off)

Tubular pneumatic action throughout

Concave and radiating pedalboard.







Admission to all Concerts is free but donations are appreciated.