Getting Married at Holy Trinity

We welcome couples who wish to get married in church and we do everything we can to make it possible, but there are some laws (both ecclesiastical and civil) which we have to follow concerning who is legally entitled to be married here.

Generally, if neither of you have previously been married (or whose previous spouse has died) and one of you can say 'yes' to one of the following situations, then you are probably able to be married here. However you will have to meet with the Rector to get the full details.

  • you live within the parish (or used to live here)

  • you were baptised or confirmed at Holy Trinity

  • your parents or godparents were married here

  • your parents have lived in the parish

  • you or your parents used to attend services here

  • you are both UK passport holders


Previously married and divorced?

If you fit one of the conditions above you may still be married in church, but at the discretion of the Rector who will be pleased to advise you.


Contact the church office for more information: 01843 862921 (Tue-Fri 9.30-12 noon) or