Welcome to Holy Trinity, the Parish Church of Broadstairs.

Thank you for your interest in this beautiful Anglican and inclusive church in the affirming catholic tradition, where generations have worshipped and served God and sought his blessing. Our vision is to provide a sacred space, where the Christian faith is explored and where God’s transformational love is demonstrated through generous hospitality and welcome. We are a missional church - with service at the heart of all we do - where the Gospel is proclaimed, sacraments of hope are celebrated and where we endeavour to respond to need through diligent pastoral care. Whoever you are, you are most welcome here. May God bless you in your life journey.

Holy Trinity Church is the Parish Church of Broadstairs, one of three Anglican churches in the town.

Donate to Holy Trinity with Just Giving

It costs £120,000 per year to provide for full time ministry in this parish and to maintain our beautiful church building. If you feel able to help us, you can make a donation by clicking on the button below. Every penny you give will support our ministry here. AND, if you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm this and we can recover the tax on your donation

Donate with JustGiving.

For Feast Days, Special Services and all other events, please click the events tab (above)



Come along and meet friends old and new at our weekly Coffee Morning which takes place in church every Wednesday from 10:00 until 12 Noon.

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